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Tag'd Watch Setup

Press the button to turn on

* Setup ends after 5 seconds if button is not pressed

1: Slide the watch band out of the silicone watch holder.

2: Pull out the Paper Tab from the bottom compartment of the silicone watch holder.

3: Slide the AirtagTM into the bottom compartment of the silicone holder, metal side facing up. It should be under the black digital watch casing

4: Slide the watch band back into the silicone watch casing.


1: Press & hold the button to reach the hour setup screen

2: Press the button to increase the hour

1: Press & hold the button to reach the minutes setup screen

2: Press the button to increase the minute

1: Press & hold the button to reach the year setup screen

2: Press the button to increase the year

1: Press & hold the button to reach the month setup screen

2: Press the button to increase the month

1: Press & hold the button to reach the day setup screen

2: Press the button to increase the day